740.00119 E.W./11–745

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

6454. From Angell No. 33. The following statement on foreign currencies found in Germany has been tentatively agreed upon pending confirmation and subject to reservations noted:

Currencies issued by United Nations which Germany invaded shall be delivered to the Govts of those countries by way of restitution.
Currencies issued by Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary and Rumania shall be turned over to the USSR as external assets to which the Soviet Union is entitled by way of reparation.
Currency issued by Italy shall be delivered by the occupying powers to the Italian Government without compensation. The position of the French Government is reserved.
Currencies issued by the neutral countries shall be regarded as German external assets of those countries and divided accordingly by way of reparation.5
Currencies issued by United Nations not invaded by Germany shall be regarded as German assets in those countries and delivered to them for disposition in accordance with their procedure regarding German assets within their border.

The position of the US regarding gold coins is reserved temporarily.”

[Page 1373]

The French reservation on Italian currency disposal is made so that other possible claims against Italy will not be prejudiced.

Both the French and the British representatives have likewise submitted the proposed agreement to their Governments. Recommend approval of agreement and urge immediate reply. [Angell.]

  1. Telegram 5398, November 20, 6 p.m., to Paris, suggested that the words “of those countries” be eliminated, lest the impression be given that “currencies issued by neutral countries are regarded as German external assets belonging to those neutral countries.” (740.00119 EW/11–745)