740.00119 EW/11–545
The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received November 5—5:05 p.m.]
6418. From Angell No. 23. At November 5 meeting I proposed distribution of currencies as outlined in Repmem 13.99 French and British were firmly of opinion gold coin, including that minted in US and neutrals, should be distinguished from currency and included in gold pot. (See my 16, November 3.1) Otherwise, there was no serious objection to Repmem plan. French felt they must reserve temporarily question of Italian currency and gold.
I recommend that I be authorized to agree that all gold coins found in Germany, including those minted in USA and neutrals, go into gold pot for distribution among nations entitled to participate in pot. [Angell.]
- Not printed; the substance of this instruction to Mr. Angell was embodied in the statement contained in telegram 6454, November 7, 10 a.m., from Paris, p. 1372.↩
- Reference is to telegram 6396, November 4, 6 p.m., from Paris, which stated that the Department’s instructions implied that gold coins were not to be considered as part of the gold pot. Mr. Angell doubted the validity of this position and requested instructions. (740.00119 EW/11-445)↩