EUR Files

Memorandum of the Division of International Security and Organization1

Summary of Proposals of Senator Vandenberg, Senator Connally, and Proposed Emergency High Commission for Liberated Europe

Senator Vandenberg’s Treaty Proposal2

A treaty to be signed immediately by the major allies to keep Germany and Japan permanently demilitarized.

The Commander in Chief to have instant power to take military action under this treaty without reference to Congress.

Senator Connolly’s Interim Council Proposal3

An Interim United Nations Council to be set up at the United Nations Conference with membership of 11 states like that of permanent Security Council.

The Interim Council to act in an advisory capacity on behalf of all the United Nations in dealing with controversies until the coming into force of the Charter.

Proposed Emergency High Commission for Liberated Europe

An Emergency High Commission for Liberated Europe to be set up at the Three-Power meeting, composed of the U. S., U. K., U. S. S. R. and France, with provision for ad hoc representation by governments and authorities when matters of direct interest to them are under consideration.

The Commission to assist in Europe in establishing popular and stable governments and in facilitating solution of emergency economic problems in former occupied and satellite states (with no responsibilities for postwar control of Germany), until need removed by the functioning of popular and stable governments and operations of the general organization.

[Page 97]

contrasts between high commission and interim council

Establishment: High Commission at Three-Power meeting;
Council at United Nations Conference.
Membership: High Commission of 4 states with provision for ad hoc representation;
Council of 11 states.
Powers and Scope: High Commission to assist in Europe in establishment of popular and stable governments in former occupied and satellite states and in handling emergency economic problems;
Council to have advisory powers on any controversies arising: among United Nations.
Duration: High Commission until need removed by operation of governments and general organization;
Council until coming into force of Charter.
  1. This undated memorandum was prepared by Dorothy Fosdick early in January 1945.
  2. The reference is to Vandenberg’s speech in the Senate on January 10, 1945; see Congressional Record, vol. 91, pt. 1, pp. 164–167.
  3. Connally disclosed this proposal in a press interview reported in the New York Times, January 15, 1945, p. 10.