Bohlen Collection

United States Delegation List of Tripartite Decisions at Yalta1

List of Decisions Arrived at by the Three Heads of Government at the Crimean Conference

1. To include the word “dismemberment” in the German terms of surrender.

2. To appoint a committee composed of Mr. Eden, Ambassador Winant and Ambassador Gousev to study the question of dismemberment.

3. To adopt proposal of the United States with respect to the voting procedure in the Security Council of the proposed world organization.

4. To hold a United Nations Conference on April 25, 1945, in the United States, to prepare the charter of the proposed world organization.

5. To authorize the United States, on behalf of the three powers, to consult the Government of China and the Provisional Government of France, with respect to decisions 3 and 4.

6. That the five Governments which will have permanent seats on the Security Council should consult each other prior to the United Nations Conference on providing machinery in the world charter for dealing with territorial trusteeships which would apply only to (a) existing mandates of the League of Nations; (b) territory to be detached from the enemy as a result of this war; (c) any other territory that may voluntarily be placed under trusteeship.

It was agreed it would be a matter of subsequent agreement as to which territories within the preceding categories would actually be placed under trusteeship and that no discussions of specific territories are contemplated now or at the United Nations Conference.

7. The United States and the United Kingdom to support at the United Nations Conference, the Soviet request that the Ukraine and White Russia be admitted as initial members of the world organization.

8. To issue the statement on Poland agreed to at the Conference.

9. That there should be immediately established in Moscow a Commission on German reparations composed of Mr. Molotov, Sir Archibald Clark Kerr and Mr. Harriman, which would be guided by the following agreed principles: (a) Germany must pay in kind for losses caused by it to the Allied Governments; (b) the amount of the reparations to be paid by Germany should be considered by the Moscow Reparations Commission and reported by it to the three Governments; (c) the three Governments will submit to the Commission their proposals and data relating to the question of German reparations.

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10. To issue the Declaration on Liberated Europe agreed to at the Conference.

11. To accord to the Provisional Government of France a German zone of occupation, and representation on the German Control Commission.

12. To send a joint telegram to Marshal Tito and Dr. Subasic, the text of which was agreed to at the Conference.

13. To hold periodic meetings of the three Foreign Ministers, the first meeting to be held in London in June, 1945.

14. That, at their first meeting, the three Foreign Ministers will consider revision of the Montreux Convention.

  1. Undated, but presumably February 11; authorship not indicated. Copies are also in the Matthews Files and the Hiss Collection. The list is obviously not complete (cf. texts of signed agreements, post, Chapter 10).