Hiss Collection

Draft Report to the Foreign Ministers by the Subcommittee on Arrangements for the United Nations Conference1

Report to the Foreign Ministers

We were instructed on February 8 to prepare a report to the Foreign Ministers on the following subjects:

The method of consultation with France and China in regard to the decisions taken at the present conference concerning the proposed world organization.
The text of the invitation which should be issued to all the nations which will take part in the United Nations Conference.

With regard to (a) we consider that the United States on behalf of the three powers should consult the Government of China and the Provisional French Government.

With regard to (b) we attach for the approval of the Ministers a draft invitation to all the nations which will take part in the conference.2

  1. Undated ribbon copy; authorship not indicated; but Matthews wrote on August 13, 1954, that it was written by Hiss (640.0029/8–1354). Carbon copy also in Matthews Files. The report was presumably drafted early on February 9, 1945, for possible presentation at the Foreign Ministers’ meeting at noon on that day. It was not then presented as such, although Stettinius had evidently seen it prior to or during that meeting. See ante, p. 810. The report, unchanged from this draft, was formally presented at the noon meeting of the Foreign Ministers on February 10. See post, pp. 875, 885886.
  2. The draft invitation was presumably the one presented by Stettinius to the Foreign Ministers at their noon meeting on February 9, 1945 (ante, p. 810). A copy of this draft is in the Hiss Collection but is not attached to this draft report of the subcommittee.