Hiss Collection

United States Delegation Memorandum1

Points Still Before the Foreign Ministers

Report of February 8th Meeting on Dumbarton Oaks Matters:
The report was modified in principle by general agreement at yesterday’s plenary session. Sir Edward Bridges and Sir Alexander Cadogan were preparing a re-draft which they may wish to submit to the Foreign Ministers this morning so that final text of the report can be agreed to and presented very briefly to the plenary session this afternoon.
Report by Sub-Committee on Form of Invitations and other Details of Arrangements for United Nations Conference:
Jebb, Gromyko and Hiss were appointed to this Committee yesterday and are planning to meet this morning. Jebb was Chairman when we were appointed, and, as a courtesy, he might be asked to report—this report may have to be oral as we have not completed our drafting.
Two papers on this subject presented by Mr. Molotov at the meeting over which he presided are still under consideration.
The plenary session yesterday referred the Polish question to the Foreign Ministers. The status of this is that Molotov presented a paper at the plenary session the day before yesterday, and yesterday the President presented a counter proposal.
You might ask Molotov if, after thinking over the points made yesterday on Iran, he has any comments to make.
The points were:
Respect for the Iranian decision not to grant oil concessions until after the war.
Suggest for announcement now that the three powers would be prepared to begin to withdraw their troops from Iran pari passu, (i. e., by equal steps.)
Points mentioned by Mr. Eden Yesterday:
You may wish to ask whether Mr. Eden would like to say anything further with respect to the additional points he mentioned yesterday. These points were:
Questions relating to the Bulgarian Control Commission;
Questions relating to the Yugoslav frontier.
  1. Apparently written by Hiss for Stettinius. Stettinius followed this outline in his review of unfinished items at the opening of the Foreign Ministers’ meeting at noon on February 9, 1945. See ante, p. 803.