Editorial Note
The only record of the substance of this meeting that has been found is in Stettinius, pp. 74–75, plus a few words in Churchill, p. 344, and in Leahy, p. 295. The information given here as to the meeting and the participants is taken from the Log, ante, p. 462.
[Page [Plate 1]]
U. S. Army photograph
Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff in Montgomery House, Malta, January 31, 1945. Left to right: Captain Graves, Rear Admiral McCormick, Vice Admiral Cooke, Fleet Admiral King, General of the Army Marshall, Brigadier General McFarland, Major General Kuter, Lieutenant General Somervell, Major General Hull, Brigadier General Loutzenheiser, Lieutenant General Smith, Major General Anderson, Major General Bull, Commander Coleridge, Major General Laycock, Field Marshal Wilson, Marshal of the Royal Air Force Portal, Field Marshal Brooke, Admiral of the Fleet Cunningham, Admiral Somerville, General Ismay, Major General Jacob, Brigadier Cornwall-Jones.
Plate 1
[Page [Plate 2]]
U. S. Army photograph
President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill aboard the U. S. S. Quincy at Malta, February 2, 1945.
Plate 2
[Page [Plate 3]]
U. S. Army photograph
President Roosevelt and the Joint Chiefs of Staff in conference aboard the U. S. S. Quincy at Malta, February 2, 1945. Left to right: Fleet Admiral King, Fleet Admiral Leahy, President Roosevelt, General of the Army Marshall, Major General Kuter.
Plate 3
[Page [Plate 4]]
U. S. Army photograph
Meeting of President Roosevelt with his advisers in Livadia Palace, Yalta, February 4, 1945. Left to right: Secretary Stettinius, Major General Kuter, Fleet Admiral King, General of the Army Marshall, Ambassador Harriman, Fleet Admiral Leahy, President Roosevelt.
Plate 4
[Page [Plate 5]]
U. S. Army photograph
Plenary Meeting in Livadia Palace, Yalta, February 1945. Left to right: Sir Edward Bridges, Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, vacant space (Mr. Gusev), Mr. Vyshinsky, Marshal Stalin, Mr. Pavlov (behind), Mr. Maisky, Mr. Gromyko, Fleet Admiral Leahy, Mr. Matthews (behind), Secretary Stettinius, Mr. Hiss (behind), President Roosevelt, Mr. Hopkins (behind), Mr. Bohlen, Mr. Byrnes, Mr. Harriman (behind), Sir Alexander Cadogan, Foreign Secretary Eden, Foreign Commissar Molotov, Major Birse, Prime Minister Churchill.
Plate 5
[Page [Plate 6]]
U. S. Army photograph
Meeting of the Foreign Ministers in Yusupov Palace, Koreiz, February 7, 1945. Left to right: Mr. Maisky, Mr. Golunsky, Mr. Gusev (behind), Foreign Commissar Molotov, Mr. Vyshinsky, Mr. Novikov, Mr. Jebb, Sir Alexander Cadogan, Mr. Dixon, Foreign Secretary Eden, Mr. Harrison, Major Theakstone, Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, unidentified, Mr. Harriman, Secretary Stettinius, Mr. Hiss (behind), Mr. Page, Mr. Matthews.
Plate 6
[Page [Plate 7]]
U. S. Army photograph
Prime Minister Churchill, President Roosevelt, and Marshal Stalin in the patio of Livadia Palace, Yalta, February 10, 1945.
Plate 7
[Page [Plate 8]]
U. S. Army photograph
Tripartite Luncheon Meeting in Livadia Palace, Yalta, February 11, 1945. Left to right: Secretary Stettinius, Sir Alexander Cadogan, Fleet Admiral Leahy, Mr. Bohlen, vacant space (Mr. Harriman), Sir Archibald Clark Kerr, Mr. Hopkins, Foreign Secretary Eden, Mr. Pavlov, Marshal Stalin, President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill, Foreign Commissar Molotov, Major Birse.
Plate 8