Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, February 2, 1945, noon, Montgomery House


United States United Kingdom
General of the Army Marshall Field Marshal Brooke
Fleet Admiral King Marshal of the Royal Air Force Portal
Major General Kuter Admiral of the Fleet Cunningham
Lieutenant General Somervell Field Marshal Wilson
Lieutenant General Smith Field Marshal Alexander1
Vice Admiral Cooke General Ismay
Rear Admiral McCormick Admiral Somerville
Major General Bull General Riddell-Webster2
Major General Anderson Air Marshal Robb
Major General Hull Major General Laycock
Brigadier General Loutzenheiser
Brigadier General Cabell1


Brigadier General McFarland Major General Jacob
Captain Graves Brigadier Cornwall-Jones
Commander Coleridge

  1. Present for items 1–5 only.
  2. Present for items 1–4 only.
  3. Present for items 1–5 only.