740.00114 EW/12–2944: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)


18. Department is extremely anxious that in any discussion concerning the repatriation of American and Soviet prisoners of war and civilians that there be no connection between the return of Americans found in German prisoner of war and civilian internment camps on the one hand, and Soviet nationals found among German prisoners of war taken by the American forces on the other hand. ReEmbs 5053, December 29 and War’s telegram November 29 to Military Mission.1 Some difficulty has arisen here in the determination of claimants to Soviet nationality whom this Government is prepared to turn over to the Soviet authorities for return to the Soviet Union.

Among the persons found fighting with the German troops are a few with Slavic names who disclaim Soviet nationality. Over 1100 Soviet nationals found fighting with German troops were turned over to the Soviet authorities at a west coast port last week. A further report of the problems which have arisen in this connection will be sent to you for your information.

  • Stettinius
  • (E. A. P[litt])
  1. Neither printed.