The Secretary of State to the President 1
Memorandum for the President
Subject: The Iranian Question
There is enclosed in accordance with your directions a suggested reply to the Prime Minister’s telegram no. 890, January 15, 1945, regarding the Iranian oil concession controversy. You will note that we in the Department feel that the subject should be discussed at the forthcoming meeting, as the Prime Minister suggests, and that the talks should be among you, Churchill and Stalin as signatories to the Declaration signed at Tehran. We do not recommend, however, that advance notice be given of an intention to discuss it, since this would give the matter undue importance.
- A White House status sheet attached to the original of this memorandum in the Roosevelt Papers indicates that it “was taken to Yalta by the President, but not read by him until his return to U. S., when he read it at Hyde Park and sent it to file without action”.↩
- The United States note is not printed as such, but see the Department’s No. 2566 to Moscow, ante, pp. 330–331. The Soviet reply, of December 28, 1944, is printed ante, pp. 334–336.↩