Roosevelt Papers
The Acting Secretary of State (Stettinius) to the President
Memorandum for the President
The following suggestions as to policy in regard to the Polish question and in particular to Prime Minister Mikolajczyk’s message of October 26 and recent conversations with the Polish Ambassador are predicated on the possibility that you do not expect to meet with Mr. Stalin and Prime Minister Churchill before the end of the year.
The Polish issue is so acute that we believe some statement of this Government’s position on general lines is due Premier Mikolajczyk. I therefore suggest for your approval the attached letter for your signature to Prime Minister Mikolajczyk. It covers the points on which from our information we know the Polish Government is especially anxious to learn our attitude.
I suggest that Ambassador Harriman, who is shortly returning to Moscow via London, present this letter to Prime Minister Mikolajczyk in person and at the same time discuss the question of Lwów. If as a result of this discussion Ambassador Harriman is convinced of the necessity of our making a last attempt to persuade the Soviet Government to leave Lwów and the oil fields within the frontiers of Poland, I hope you will authorize him on his return to Moscow to take up orally on your behalf the question of Lwów with Mr. Stalin.
Suggested letter to Premier Mikolajczyk.1
- The text of the letter as sent is infra.↩