UNA Files

The Special Assistant to the Secretary of State (Pasvolsky) to the Secretary of State 1

Memorandum for the Secretary

Subject: Emergency High Commission for Liberated Europe

In addition to the decisions which are recommended in the attached memoranda,2 I should like again to urge the necessity, from the point of view of our work on the general international organization, of agreement at the forthcoming meeting on the creation of an Emergency High Commission for Liberated Europe, or whatever it is finally called. This would be the most powerful antidote that we can devise for the rapidly crystallizing opposition in this country to the whole Dumbarton Oaks idea on the score that the future organization would merely underwrite a system of unilateral grabbing.

Leo Pasvolsky
  1. Carbon copy.
  2. The “attached memoranda” here referred to are the memorandum of Pasvolsky dated January 23, 1945, on the subject of “Recommended Action on Points Which Must Be Decided at The Three-Power Meeting”, and its attachments, ante, pp. 8185.