31. Memorandum From the Assistant Secretary of State for Administration (Russell) to the Secretary of State’s Special Assistant for Research and Intelligence (McCormack)0

Colonel McCormack:

In view of General Marshall’s strong testimony a day or so ago,1 would the attached order2 meet the directive of the President to the Secretary of September 20 and at the same time place us in a better position to secure the necessary appropriations to continue the functions under Title II? It is merely submitted for discussion purposes because I am not familiar enough with the matter to have a considered judgment.3

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 263, Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, Troy Papers, Box 10, Folder 73. No classification marking.
  2. Apparently a reference to testimony by General George C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, before the Senate Military Affairs Committee on October 18. The subject was armed forces unification and in his testimony General Marshall urged a unified intelligence system.
  3. The draft Executive order, October 1945, is not printed. Title II covers Unified Intelligence Service.
  4. No record of a reply by Colonel McCormack has been found.