893.20211/15: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)

827. In August 1943, Chinese Embassy requested Department96 to obtain permission for training by FBI97 National Police Academy of eight Chinese police officers. FBI agreed to accept only one officer for training, in line with general training policy of Academy. Embassy later replied that Chinese Central Police Academy had designated Zee Sheng Shee as trainee and that he would arrive here in time for class beginning in January. In February Embassy requested that Zee be allowed to join a later class as he had been delayed. It is understood that arrangements have been made, probably by Chinese consulates, to train remaining 7 men in municipal police schools in selected cities.

Group is believed to be en route to the United States and, on the basis of information it has received that Central Police Academy and 8 police officers are affiliated with Tai Li organization (see Department’s air mail instruction no. 641, May 13, 194498), FBI has indicated that proposal for training of officer mentioned will probably not be acceptable. This attitude is based on (1) probable misdirected use to which FBI methods would be put by group such as Tai Li’s and (2) security factor, since American security methods would be exposed in detail.

Department would appreciate receiving any comment Embassy might be able to make on following points: (1) Is this a bona fide endeavor by the Chinese Government to develop a trained group of officers in western police methods; (2) likelihood that officers will be utilized to spy on and terrorize Chinese in this country (it is understood [Page 100] that they are intended to be stationed in cities where key Chinese communities are located) and later be used for customary Tai Li activities in China.

  1. Note of August 3, 1943, from the Chinese Embassy, not printed.
  2. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
  3. Not printed; see footnote 37, p. 64.