
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Deputy Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs (Ballantine)

Participants: Mr. Liu Chieh, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim, Chinese Embassy
Mr. Stanley K. Hornbeck6
Mr. Joseph W. Ballantine

Mr. Liu called at our request. We made representations in regard to an attack by armed Chinese on an American military convoy near Kunming, as reported by the Embassy at Chungking, along lines in the attached copy of an oral statement7 which we handed him as a record of our oral representations. Mr. Liu expressed himself as, being impressed by the seriousness of the matter and said that he-would not fail to take the matter up with his Government.

J[oseph] W. B[allantine]
  1. Director of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs.
  2. Infra.