The Ambassador in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 14.]
Sir: Referring to the Embassy’s despatch no. 2434, April 15, 1944, transmitting a translation of the Draft Revised Copyright Law,32 I have the honor to enclose a translation prepared by the Embassy of the final form of the Copyright Law33 which was revised and promulgated by the National Government on April 27, 1944, and has been enforced since that date.
Major Changes Made in Draft Law.
The classification of works which may be copyrighted is made more general with specific references to engravings, models, paintings, et cetera, being replaced by the term “artistic productions” (Article 1).
The term of a copyright on a work produced under a pseudonym or alias is no longer restricted to 30 years (Article 8).
[Page 1003]Copyrights on cinema films are limited to those films the presentation of which has been permitted by law (Article 9).
The provision restricting pirating or copying parts of an original copyrighted translation is omitted (Article 10).
Article 18 of the Draft Law, providing that copyrights shall not issue for such works as laws, treaties, documents, propaganda literature, academic lectures, et cetera, is omitted from the new law.
Article 20 of the Draft Law, which provides that the Ministry of Interior may reject the application for copyright of a work which “manifests a disregard for Party principles” or the publication of which has been prohibited by law, is also omitted.
The fines provided in Chapter IV are increased from 100 to 500 percent (Articles 30 to 34).
Respectfully yours,