
The Ambassador in China ( Gauss ) to the Secretary of State

No. 3006

Sir: Referring to my despatch 3000, September 26, 1944, transmitting a brochure on the problem of the Chinese Communist Party, I have the honor to enclose copies of the following articles2 which were made available to the Embassy by General Ho Ying-chin, Chief of the Chinese General Staff and concurrently Minister of Military Administration, in regard to this question:

“List of Unlawful Activities of the Chinese Communists Since the Outbreak of the War of Resistance with the Object of Undermining the Very Existence of the Nation”;3
“List of Conspiracies Endangering the Unity of the Country and the Independence of the Nation, Fermented and Carried Out by the Chinese Communists Since the Outbreak of the War of Resistance”;3 and
“Other Documents Relative to the Chinese Communist Activities”.

In enclosure (1) the Chinese Communists are charged with undermining the integrity of military administration and the illegal expansion of their military forces; open defiance of the Government’s [Page 598] military orders and the free movement of Communist military forces; attacking National Government forces and otherwise frustrating Chinese war operations; instigating insurrections against the National Government; working hand in hand with the Japanese; establishing illegal administrative organizations and undermining national unity; establishing banks and issuing bank notes without authority; prohibiting the circulation of National Government notes in Communist-controlled areas; issuing illegal bonds and indentures; planting opium poppy in Communist-controlled areas; levying exorbitant taxes against the people; undermining the famine-relief, salt and postal administrations; and killing military officers and troops, Government officials and civilians engaged in anti-Japanese activities.

Enclosure (2) includes a recitation of charges of conspiracy and plotting on the part of the Chinese Communists to seize political power in China. Extracts from alleged Communist documents and utterances are quoted in support of these charges. The Communists are charged with attacking Government troops and instigating discord among them, making preparations for an open military break with the Government, and instigating unrest by the use of propaganda, all to further their own interests.

In enclosure (3) the following subjects are discussed: Chinese Communist participation in the war, expansion of the Communist armies and their alleged deterioration in quality, the so-called democracy of the Chinese Communist Party and the status of the Chinese Communist Party as a Communist organization. In addition, an endeavor is made to justify the blockade of the Communist area in north Shensi and the refusal of the Chinese National authorities to permit shipments of foreign medicines to the Communists.

Considering the source and the nature of the enclosed articles, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that they were prepared for the purpose not only of endeavoring to expose the alleged machinations intrigues and conspiracies of the Chinese Communists but of justifying the policies and actions of the Kuomintang and National Government toward the Communists. In all probability, these articles are designed for foreign consumption. It is extremely unlikely that they will be published in the Kuomintang-controlled Chinese press so long as there is any possibility of a Kuomintang–Communist agreement or rapprochement, for it seems clear that such action would gravely prejudice the slender prospects that yet remain for an amicable settlement of Kuomintang–Communist differences.

The enclosed articles are striking for the tone in which they are couched, for their extremely severe denunciation of the Communists, their alleged activities and future aims. They are but another illustration of the fundamental schism existing between the Kuomintang [Page 599] and the Communists and they offer little or no comfort to those striving for a peaceful settlement of this complex problem.

Respectfully yours,

C. E. Gauss
  1. None printed.
  2. Since 1937; compiled in August 1943.
  3. Since 1937; compiled in August 1943.