
Memorandum by Mr. Augustus S. Chase of the Division of Chinese Affairs

Reference Chungking’s despatch 2921, September 1, 1944.

Embassy Secretary Service reports an off-the-record conversation between General Ho Ying-chin and British correspondent Guenther Stein which reveals Ho’s violent prejudice and utterly unscrupulous [Page 583] disregard of the truth, and which is chiefly of interest for its evidence of the hopelessness of efforts to effect unity in China as long as men of his type exercise important influence.

Ho makes, for example, the ridiculous assertions that the “Communists” have only 70,000–80,000 regular troops (though the Chungking Government itself has recently offered to recognize at least twice that number); that they have done no real fighting against the Japanese since 1937; that there are virtually no guerrillas in occupied areas (despite vociferous complaints by Chungking concerning the expansion of “Communists” in such areas); and that guerrilla warfare should be abandoned as useless (though conditions in large areas of China render it obviously most suitable). Mr. Service’s covering memorandum85 brings out other of Ho’s absurdities, but the actual record of conversation85a is worth looking through if you85b have time.

While admitting the truth of the Embassy’s observations that Japanese tributes to the “Communists” fighting ability (such as enclosed with Service’s memorandum) cannot be accepted as conclusive confirmation of the “Communist” claims, that such claims are very likely padded, and that the “Communists” have fought no major engagements such as the Changsha campaigns, it is nevertheless well to recall (1) that the “Communists” have lacked the weapons to attempt major engagements; (2) that we have considerable evidence of the activities of “Communist” guerrillas from other than “Communist” or Japanese sources (intercepts, repatriates, etc.); and (3) that, as there is increasing evidence that the “Communists” claims in regard to their other, non-military achievements (democratic reforms, efficient economy, etc.) are well-founded, their military claims appear, except as definitely disproved, to deserve more credence than the allegations of persons given to such patent disregard of the truth as Ho.

There is attached a sample of the miscellaneous evidence of “Communist” guerrilla activity we are constantly receiving.85c

  1. Dated July 31, p. 534.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Identity not indicated.
  4. Not attached to file copy.