033.1193 Nelson, Donald M./11–1544: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)
1489. Please inform Nelson and Stanton that in accordance with instructions of the President that the recommendations in paragraph 2 of Nelson’s letter to the President of October 19 for the establishment of joint committees should be cleared with the State Department and FEA, conferences have been held between representatives of the Department and FEA. They reported to the President that they fully concurred in the purpose of strengthening the FEA mission in China for the preparation, in consultation with the Chinese, of more extensive programs looking towards the expansion of Chinese war production and, pending ultimate increase in the transportation available, the advance procurement of some supplies in this country. They felt, however, that pending these contemplated developments it would be wise to postpone action on the machinery contemplated in paragraph 2. The President approved these conclusions on November 14.