811.003 Wallace, Henry A./41
Vice President Wallace to the Secretary of State
[Received March 25.]
Dear Secretary Hull: You will recall our telephone conversation of some two weeks ago in regard to the President’s proposal that I visit China in the late spring or early summer. I appreciate the opportunity you gave me to have a talk with Joseph Ballantine on the subject. He was quite helpful. I have also had a chance informal conversation with John Carter Vincent.9
It occurs to me that, if I make the trip, I should find it most advantageous to have someone with me familiar with China and the Chinese—someone with recent experience in China who knows the present Chinese scene and official personalities; who “knows his way about” and can give me valuable guidance.
I appreciate that you have qualified officers now stationed in China but, if you can possibly spare an officer from the Department to accompany me, I should very much appreciate your kindness and I am sure that I should benefit from having him with me on the trip as well as during my stay in China.
Sincerely yours,
P. S. I still remember with gratitude Larry Duggan’s fine services on the occasion of my South American trip.10