103.918/7–1744: Telegram
The Ambassador in China (Gauss) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 18—7 p.m.]
1232. IDC has functioned here as civilian agency under the Embassy, being known as Publications Service of the Embassy. Reference your 958, July 14, 7 p.m., Dr. Kates,37 who is in charge of agency, has designation as Special Assistant of Embassy. He is competent and energetic person, has cooperated well and has been given all possible assistance and support. He has, however, had limited Government experience and has been impatient over delays and administrative difficulties … Kates resigned but has continued to function pending appointment of his successor. With this resignation, OSS38 representatives, particularly a Colonel Hall, desire to militarize the agency. Matter is understood now to be under consideration in Washington. [Page 131] I am indifferent as to whether agency is militarized but I have told Kates that if this is done the agency cannot masquerade as an adjunct of the Embassy as the Ambassador would have no supervision over military personnel in charge and, furthermore, as OSS is closely tied up with the notorious General Tai Li of the Chinese Gestapo it is most undesirable that those having such connection should be associated with the Embassy. The detachment of agency from Embassy connection would, of course, shut off certain contacts now enjoyed and establishment of agency as an OSS service would probably also close to them other channels or sources of publications. IDC is supposed to represent various Government services and agencies at Washington, including Library of Congress. If the agency is militarized, presumably, it will function only for OSS.
There was a recent proposal that the agency could be of great value to all services of the Government here, including military services, OWI and FEA, by establishment therein of a Jap translating pool as reported in my 1222 of July 15.39
There have been indications in Kates’ telegrams to Langer40 of IDC, sent through Department, that Kates might be persuaded to withdraw his resignation if a more sympathetic relationship can be established between him and Washington office of IDC.