Memorandum by President Roosevelt to the Secretary of State
Russia continues to be a major factor in achieving the defeat of Germany. We must therefore continue to support the U. S. S. R. by providing the maximum amount of supplies which can be delivered to her ports. This is a matter of paramount importance.
The U. S. S. R. has been requested to state requirements for a Fourth Protocol, to cover the period from July 1, 1944 to June 30, 1945. Within the limitations of available resources, the various interested agencies are being requested to make every effort to meet these requirements.
Pending the formulation of the Fourth Protocol, it is my desire that every effort be made to fulfill the provisions of the Third Protocol, which terminates June 30, 1944.
It is planned to make the Fourth Protocol offering in cooperation with the United Kingdom and Canada in accordance with the procedure and formula utilized in the Third Protocol.