740.0011 EW 1939/6–2944: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Naples (Brandt)

305. For Kirk.2 The following telegram from Bern3 is repeated for your information.

“Milan Corriere 28th attributes following appeal dated June 27 to San Marino Foreign Ministry.

‘This morning at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Anglo-American aircraft in four waves bombed capital and surroundings of our small unarmed Republic which lives in peace and harmony. This sudden inexplicable bombardment, completely unjustified since our small state has maintained strictest and proven neutrality, has caused so far 35 dead many wounded and considerable property damage.

Supported by 16 centuries of glorious history of free and independent existence by moral recognition from all nations and international law which guarantees [Page 291] our peaceful existence and neutrality we protest against this violent act and damages sustained therefrom. Simultaneously we solemnly declare no military installations arms or ammunition depots are on our territory, no belligerent troops are stationed therein, or pass in transit, and we appeal either directly or through our Legations and Consulates by this proclamation to other neutral nations, requesting them in a spirit of mutual protection and defense, to intervene with Allied Commands toward discontinuing offensive action against Republic of San Marino’.

“Neo-Fascist editorial comment states this sharp protest proves no Axis military installations or troops are present in Republic and as usual alleged attack thereon by Allied aircraft ‘arose from coldblooded desire to bomb and destroy without considering most elementary rules of international rights’”.

  1. Alexander C. Kirk, American representative, with rank of Ambassador, on the Advisory Council for Italy.
  2. Telegram 4139, June 29.