865.01/998: Telegram

The Chargé at Algiers (Chapin) to the Secretary of State

324. From L’Heureux. My 322, January 30, 5 p.m. A compromise program formulated after refusal by the Christian Democrat and Liberal Parties to accept the proposal of the Socialist, Action, and Communist Parties was adopted by the Bari Congress yesterday General MacFarlane reports.

This program calls for:

Organization promptly of a government possessing all necessary powers and including representatives of each of the 6 parties;
A constituent assembly to be created immediately upon cessation of hostilities;
Abdication of Victor Emmanuel.

[Page 1014]

Establishment of an executive committee including representatives of all parties to bring about the foregoing objectives was then voted by the Congress.

Abdication of the King was considered an essential condition for unification of Italian effort by Congress although it agreed that immediate solution of the institutional question is not allowed by the present situation. [L’Heureux.]
