865.01/986: Telegram

The Chargé at Algiers (Chapin) to the Secretary of State

283. From L’Heureux. See Reinhardt’s No. 216, January 22, 11 a.m., numbered paragraph 1. For the Department’s information, General MacFarlane has informed AFHQ that Armellini reports from Rome that despite communication to the six parties thereof an AFHQ request that there be no open political activity in Rome between departure of the Germans and entry of the Allies, the party of Action has adopted resolution affirming its intention of expressing the will of national resurgence at the moment of enemy evacuation.

In response to Armellini’s request for very specific instructions to be made known to the political leaders, MacFarlane proposed that Badoglio send Armellini a telegram repeating that Allied authorities will not tolerate any open activity after German evacuation of Rome until authorized by the Allied military commander in Rome. The telegram emphasizes that the city will be under absolute control of Allied military commmand.

Badoglio suggested that the message be sent by the Allied Commander in Chief rather than by himself. AFHQ assumed that this might be due to some apprehension on Badoglio’s part that it might not be obeyed and so instructed MacFarlane to insist that the telegram go in Badoglio’s name rather than run the risk of disobedience of an order directly from the Commander in Chief. [L’Heureux.]
