865.01/978: Telegram

The Chargé at Algiers (Chapin) to the Secretary of State

270. From L’Heureux.32 During a long conversation with MacFarlane on January 24, the King gave him a document summarizing his political intentions and suggested that it be publicized before the conference at Bari January 28. MacFarlane reports that the King wanted the program published without coming directly from himself. AFHQ has advised MacFarlane there is no objection to publication of the King’s intentions and that the method of publication can be decided by the King.

As summarized by MacFarlane these intentions are: Until the Government is established in Rome, the present cabinet will remain in charge; a new cabinet will be formed as soon as Rome is reached, on a broad basis, giving representation to all parties and eliminating men in any way compromised by fascism; a new Chamber of Deputies to be elected within 4 months after end of war; political institutions to be discussed freely by Parliament which will proceed to make as far-reaching reforms as it desires; being called on to freely express their will, the people will be the supreme master of their fate; the will of the people as expressed by freely elected representatives will be faithfully followed by the Crown; the authority of the State, essential to carrying on the war against the German and Fascist remnants, would be jeopardized by any different line of conduct at this delicate juncture. [L’Heureux.]

  1. Hervé L’Heureux, Secretary and Consul at Algiers.