740.00115 European War 1939/8277: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland ( Harrison ) to the Secretary of State

876. American Interests—Germany Baden Baden Repatriation-Legation’s 870, 12th.19 Following is summary translation note dated February 12 from German Legation Bern to Swiss Foreign Office, latter has made copy available to Legation.20

German Government considers exchange of both groups composition of which has already been foreseen in former negotiations as definite.
German Government acknowledges willingness of United States Government to repatriate apart from 741 repatriable German nationals already named an additional 300 German nationals. German Government prepared in compensation for those 300 German nationals, pursuant United States Government’s desire, to make it possible for another 300 nationals of United States or Central and South American countries to return to their native country. It might for technical reasons no longer be possible to arrange departure of those 300 persons so that they could arrive Lisbon by February 24, possibility must therefore be envisaged that group will not arrive Lisbon until beginning of March.
As repatriation 132 Germans from Brazil cannot take place with Gripsholm but with another transport, German Government will make it possible for Brazilian diplomats now detained Germany to depart from Germany and return Brazil in due time so that they arrive Lisbon simultaneously with German repatriates from Brazil. German Government awaits report concerning time of arrival Lisbon of German nationals from Brazil.
German Government acknowledges receipt of information from United States Government concerning carrying of personal effects, foreign exchange and jewelry. German Government will proceed similiarly at time of departure of American nationals to be repatriated but proposes an increase to $100 the dollar amount that the repatriable nationals of both groups who have no official status be allowed to take with them.
Furthermore, German Government wishes to recall in this connection that according to a former engagement of United States Government the property which remained in North Africa belonging to members former German Consulates General Algiers and Casablanca shall also be transferred to Lisbon in execution of present exchange and shall arrive there at same time as German exchange group.21
German Government will also request Portuguese Government to make German-American exchange possible and to assume guarantee for its execution.
  1. Not printed.
  2. Copy of German note transmitted to the Secretary of State by the Swiss. Minister on February 13, not printed.
  3. Telegram 532 of February 23, to Lisbon, noted a report from Casablanca stating that “effects German Consulate shipped to Lisbon on steamer Silva Gouvia due Lisbon February 25th” (702.6281/79a).