
The Chairman of the Special Economic Mission to French North Africa (Culbertson) to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: I have the honor to submit the report of the Special Economic Mission to North Africa.17 The members of the Mission are: William S. Culbertson, Chairman; Donald Gilpatric, Homer S. Fox, R. C. Miller, Van Lear Woodward, John L. Gillis, William M. Friedlaender, Victor Bowman, and Richard C. Thompson.

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The instructions issued to each member of the Mission stated that the objectives of the Mission are

“…18 to review on the ground the problems involved in returning trade to normal channels as rabidly as wartime conditions permit, and to recommend procedures which would ensure the fullest possible participation of private business in such Government transactions as may be required in view of wartime exigencies. More specifically, it is desired that the Mission make a study of the following:

the possibility of increasing the procurement of goods in North Africa for export to the United States;
study of the procurement programs of other United Nations as they may affect North Africa;
review of problems involved in the resumption of trade to and from the United States through commercial channels, including the question whether such resumption is feasible under present conditions.”

During August and the first weeks of September, the Mission visited Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, and in each locality studied economic conditions and conferred with many individuals in both official and private life.

The report, which is in every respect a joint product of the Mission, contains observations and recommendations on both policy and operations. I believe that its contents will reveal that in the opinion of the Mission, policy lacks reality if divorced from operations, and operations, unguided by sound policy, may not serve the public interest.

Very respectfully yours,

William S. Culbertson
  1. Not printed.
  2. Omission indicated in the original letter.