851.01/3557: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 23—10:36 p.m.]
2380. Yesterday in Parliament a member asked the Foreign Minister whether agreement had been reached with the French Committee respecting the administration of French territory if and when liberated. Eden replied that he had no statement to make on this subject at present “but the whole question is now under examination by His Majesty’s Government and the United States Government”. In a further question Eden was asked if he had seen the statement from Washington that President Roosevelt has come to a decision on this subject and “is it not time that the British Government came to a decision?” Mr. Eden replied that he did not think that the underlying assumption of the question was quite justified. “What I said was, that the two Governments are examining the position together, and whatever we say and do, we shall say and do together”. William Astor then asked the following question to which Mr. Eden did not reply: “Do the Government appreciate the importance of ensuring that no temporary authority should take any action which might prejudge the free expression of French opinion at an election”.