740.0011 European War 1939/33516

The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Secretary of State

Dear Mr. Secretary: With reference to your letter of 18 January 194422 enclosing copies of telegrams from the Representative of the United States to the French Committee of National Liberation, and your letter of 29 January 194423 enclosing a communication from the British Embassy on the subject of providing arms and other assistance to resistance groups in France, these papers were referred to the Joint Chiefs of Staff who, after consideration, express the following views:

U. S. and British supplies to resistance groups in France are provided and distributed under the direction of the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Forces,24 who is also responsible for coordinating the activities of such groups with those of his own military forces in planning and executing offensive operations against Germany in western Europe.

It is therefore considered inadvisable that representatives of competent U.S. and British services, together with those of the French Committee of National Liberation meet as a separate body in London to consider the supply of munitions to resistance groups in France.

This same objective is being accomplished by the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Forces, whose staff is in continuing contact in London with the French Committee of Action which is understood to be an agency of the French Army.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff have transmitted these views to the Combined Chiefs of Staff and have recommended that they be concurred in and that the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Forces, [Page 651] be informed. The British Chiefs of Staff have been requested to inform their government and to suggest to it parallel action.

Sincerely yours,

For the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
William D. Leahy
Admiral, U.S. Navy, Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy
  1. Not found in Department files.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.