740.00119 EW/2694: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
4570. British Embassy presented Aide-mémoire of June 547 suggesting that, in view of the changed circumstances, the question of surrender terms for Finland be referred to the European Advisory Commission,48 particularly as there was no longer the same urgency in considering these terms and as the EAC is now better equipped to deal with such questions than it was three months ago. The communication pointed out that this procedure would be in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Commission’s terms of reference.49
[Page 609]According to the British note, the basis for discussion in the EAC would be provided by the draft terms which the Soviet Government has been asked to supply.
The Department has replied50 to this communication by stating that it has no objection to the proposed procedure and will so instruct its representative on the EAC.51 The Department’s note concluded in stating that as the United States is not at war with Finland, it is not anticipated that the American representative will participate actively in the formulation of these surrender terms; discussion by the Commission will, however, provide a convenient means of keeping this Department informed of developments.
Sent to London as Department’s 4570: Repeated for information only to Helsinki as No. 113 and to Moscow as No. 1462.
- Not printed.↩
- For correspondence regarding the participation by the United States in the work of the European Advisory Commission, see vol. i, pp. 1 ff.↩
- Annex 2 of the Secret Protocol of the Tripartite Conference of Foreign Ministers at Moscow, dated November 1, 1943, Foreign Relations, 1943, vol. i, p. 756.↩
- Aide-mémoire of June 8, to the British Embassy, p. 598.↩
- John G. Winant, Ambassador in the United Kingdom, was also United States Representative to the European Advisory Commission.↩