701.60D11/673b: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Finland (Gullion)
117. See Department’s telegram no. 116, June 15, 6 p.m.30 It is expected that Procopé, Vahervuori, Toivola and Solanko will be [Page 601] given their passports at 5 p.m., EWT,31 today, June 16.32 As soon as you have been informed definitely that this action has been taken you should seek an appointment with the Foreign Minister or other appropriate official and inform him as follows:
Mr. Hjalmar J. Procopé, Mr. T. O. Vahervuori, Mr. Urho Toivola and Mr. Eisto Solanko because of activities inimical to the interests of the United States have been found by my Government to be personae non gratae. They have been handed their passports and requested to leave the United States as soon as safe conducts and other travel arrangements for themselves and their families can be made.
This action does not constitute a rupture of diplomatic relations between the two countries and accordingly the Finnish Legation in Washington may remain open for the conduct of business.33 The Legation will still enjoy code privileges.
You may add that Mr. Procopé and the other persons concerned in this action together with their families will be accorded all possible courtesies and protection.
You should not venture to speculate either personally or otherwise in your conversation on the nature of the activities of the persons mentioned which have led to their dismissal by this Government.
Sent to Helsinki, repeated to Moscow, Stockholm and London for information.