859.01/137: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman)

665. Department’s 650, March 21, midnight to you.12 London’s 2278, March 21, 5 p.m. to the Department, reads paraphrased as follows:

“We have orally advised the Foreign Office that the suggestions regarding Denmark contained in Warner’s letter to Cumming are, in general, favored by the Department. We have also transmitted to the Foreign Office the observations appearing in the Department’s 2048, March 18, 10 a.m. The Foreign Office informs us that the Department’s observations coincide with its views and that the suggested procedure meets with its approval.

“Drafting of the statement and the accompanying message to the Danish King are now to be undertaken in collaboration with us. Once the drafts have been approved at the highest level in the Foreign Office, we will forward them to the Department for its consideration.

“We will keep you currently advised.”

  1. Not printed.