860F.20/8–3144: Telegram
The Chargé to the Czechoslovak Government in Exile (Schoenfeld) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 31—9:53 a.m.]
Zecho 13. Foreign Minister Masaryk11 called on me at 11 this morning. He spoke of yesterday’s announcement of the rising of Czechoslovak forces in Slovakia and said his Government desired him to appeal to the United States Government for support for the rising.
Masaryk mentioned as possible means of assistance: (a) Allied bombing of German objectives in Czechosolvakia; and (b) eventual issuance by the principal Allies of a statement recognizing the Czechoslovak home forces as having combatant rights.
With regard to (a) he said that approaches would be made through proper military channels. With regard to (b) he said the Czechoslovak Government had yesterday proclaimed all military and [Page 522] guerilla elements fighting against Germans in Czechoslovakia to be members of the regular Czechoslovak Army.
Masaryk said a similar approach had been made to the Soviet Government and to the British Government. Ambassador Hurban12 had also been informed and requested to approach the proper American authorities.
With regard to the timing of the rising, Masaryk said the decision had been left to the military leaders in the country. Moscow had in general been informed of the possibility of such a rising but the exact date had not been fixed with the Soviet authorities.
[In a declaration concerning the Czechoslovak Army, released to the press by the Department of State on September 7, 1944, the United States Government recognized the Czechoslovak home forces as having combatant rights. For text of the declaration, see Department of State Bulletin, September 10, 1944, page 263.]