
The British Ambassador (Halifax) to the Secretary of State

His Majesty’s Ambassador presents his compliments to the Secretary of State and with reference to the Department’s notes of December 2nd90 and January 11th,91 has the honour to inform him that His Majesty’s Government welcome the suggestion of the United States Government for an informal discussion of matters concerning petroleum.

As the United States Government will already be aware, His Majesty’s Government would wish these discussions to be world-wide in scope and not limited to any particular area. His Majesty’s Government, however, readily accept the suggestion contained in the Department’s note of January 11th that at the outset these conversations should deal with the Middle Eastern aspect of petroleum and should thereafter be extended to cover the subject in its general aspects. His Majesty’s Government fully share the United States Government’s desire to reach conclusions on the basis of close cooperation.

In order to avoid unnecessary delay and to ensure that the conversations take place under the most favourable possible circumstances, His Majesty’s Government would welcome some indication of those aspects of the question which the United States Government particularly wish to discuss, and also of the precise level at which the United States Government consider the discussions should be held.

  1. Ibid., p. 947.
  2. Not printed, but see ibid. , footnote 45.