740.00119 E.A.C./9–2144: Telegram
The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 21—8:28 p.m.]
7854. Comea 95. I am glad to have the Department’s 7671 (September 20, 8 p.m.) with regard to consultation with Allied Governments about the Bulgarian armistice terms. Since receiving Department’s 7492, September 14, midnight, stating that further consideration was being given in Washington to the question of (1) single or multiple signature of the armistice, (2) cobelligerency, (3) organization and functions of the Control Commission in Bulgaria, I have reserved my position on these points as reported in my 7630, September 15, midnight, and 7680, September 17, midnight. No further instructions having been received here, our part in the delibrations [Page 432] has been correspondingly reduced and the Russians may be gaining the impression that we are indifferent in a matter to which they attach great military and political importance. I have been holding up the discussions in the EAC on the Bulgarian armistice terms for more than a week because I am without instructions from the Department.