740.00119 EAC/9–1644: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

7671. Reurtel 7654, September 16. It is the Department’s opinion that we ought to continue the policy of consulting the smaller countries at war with Bulgaria concerning the armistice terms, in view of the action already taken in this regard. To change the procedure already agreed upon, and in fact already acted on, would probably be interpreted by them as demonstrating a lack of consideration for their rights on our part and an unwillingness to maintain, in the face of Soviet objections, the position already taken. The United States and Great Britain have already recognized the special interest of Greece and Yugoslavia in the Bulgarian armistice terms and, while we understand the attitude of the Soviet Union with regard to Bulgaria, we would find it difficult now to alter our policy on a matter in which the two adjacent Balkan states feel so strongly.

Accordingly we are inclined to have you say that you support the original version to the preamble as agreed which provides that the signatories act “on behalf of all United Nations Governments at war with Bulgaria”, although we would not be prepared to insist upon the original version and have no direct interest in the particular point under discussion. If the Russians hold to their point of view they would presuambly be agreeable to informing the other nations at war with Bulgaria, especially Greece and Yugoslavia, of the change.
