740.00119 European War/8–3044: Telegram
The Consul General at Istanbul (Berry) to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:42 p.m.]
506R109. Reference my telegram No. 495 of August 25, 6 p.m. Moshanov returned to Istanbul late yesterday. Upon insistence of British Ambassador he is flying to Cairo today by special plane to make initial contacts with British emissaries. He is accompanied by Colonel Zheleskov, former Bulgarian Military Attaché in Istanbul, as military aide. Kisseloff despite British pressure decided to stay here to keep communications open between Sofia and Washington.
This morning before leaving Moshanov came with Kisseloff for a meeting with Dr. Black, Fraleigh and me. He intends to stress two points on his arrival there: (1) He is not authorized to begin talks except in the presence of both England and United States (Russia may be present but only as observer). (2) Talks should be moved at once to Turkey for sake of communications in telephonic and telegraphic cipher between delegates and Bulgarian Government. But British Ambassador insisted they accept portable radio set to be sent to Sofia to enable communications with Cairo.
Meanwhile preparations are nearing completion Sofia for composition of remainder of delegation. For instance, Lyuben Boshkov, described as pro-American former director general of Bulgarian railways, who visited United States in 1940, is being sought as technical advisor on communications and geography. Ivan Stanchev, career diplomat with American wife (see my despatch No. 3411 of August 1940), has been sent for at Bucharest by special car and is expected to be made secretary of delegation. He speaks English fluently.
Bulgarian Government has taken drastic steps to give evidence of sincere intentions (reDeptel 360 of August 26, 9 p.m.40). Release [Page 381] of Allied prisoners principally American flyers was mentioned to delegates this morning and will be suggested to Sofia today. Relations with Germany have not been severed owing to declaration of neutrality but all, some 4800, German military refugees from Rumania have been disarmed; other German troops heretofore in Bulgaria by official consent are being sent out of the country (without being disarmed) deadline of tomorrow night; German Gestapo left Sofia on August 27. Hostilities against United Nations are being terminated by withdrawal of Bulgarian Army Corps from Serbia [which] began August 26, 8 a.m. In addition all anti-Jewish laws were abrogated by regency decree of August 21. Citizenship of Jews has been restored and machinery set up for return of their property. Present Parliament will be dissolved in about 10 days in order as Moshanov said “that these criminals should be allowed to correct own mistakes”. Following that, there will be a general amnesty for political offenders.
Other information given by Moshanov follows in my next telegram.
Repeated AmEmBalk as my No. 10, please repeat to Murphy.