740.00119 EW/8–2744: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

6930. Your 6972, August 27. The Department approves your recommendations with regard to the proposed British modifications of the Bulgarian terms and is accordingly agreeable to the following adjustments of the text:

Article X is made to read “Bulgaria to restore all United Nations property and to make reparation for war damage and not to dispose of any of her assets without the consent of the Allies”.
Article XII should read “Bulgaria to furnish such supplies, services and facilities as the Allies may require, for the use of their forces or missions in Bulgaria or for the prosecution of the war”.
The Department would have no objection to the text proposed by the British for this article, but agrees with you that the Soviet Government might be reluctant to approve it and that it might be a deterrent to Bulgarian acceptance of the terms.
The article already numbered XII should be made article XIII reading “Bulgaria to comply with any further Allied instructions for giving effect to the armistice; to give all facilities to such missions as the Allies may send; and to meet Allied requirements for the reestablishment of peace and security”.

You may as requested present the foregoing modifications as proposed modifications coming from this Government.

With regard to the first paragraph of your telegram already cited, the Department will not insist on its recommendation but you may wish to point out that this formula need not preclude immediate withdrawal of Bulgarian forces from Greek and Yugoslav territory in case United Nations authorities and forces can be moved in immediately to replace them and ensure the maintenance of order.
