740.00119 EW/8–2544: Telegram

The Consul General at Istanbul (Berry) to the Secretary of State

495R104. Reference my telegram No. 489, August 23, 8 p.m.

Moshanov returned last night to Sofia for new instructions following Rumania’s surrender.23
Kisseloff says most emphatically that if present opportunity for Bulgaria to get out of the war is not to be lost action must begin immediately for following reasons: (a) Russian Army may at any moment appear on Danube; (b) this might produce overturning of Government and establishment of Communist regime; (c) military events in Bulgaria of unforeseen nature may happen suddenly through German attempt at this moment of uncertainty to defeat Bulgaria’s effort to get out of the war.
  1. For radio broadcast by the new Rumanian Government on August 23, see vol. iv , section under Rumania entitled “Negotiations leading to signing of armistice …”