761.74/81: Telegram

The Ambassador in Turkey (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State

943. In conversation with Soviet Ambassador he indicated recent resignation of Bulgarian Cabinet had been precipitated by action of [Page 330] his Government in protesting to Bulgarian Government at the use of the Bulgarian ports of Varna and Burgas by the Germans as bases of operations against Soviet Union. Vinogradov said Bulgarian Government had replied to protest by denying truth of Soviet contention, stating an investigation had failed to disclose any basis for protest. Soviet Government had replied Bulgarian investigation could hardly be regarded as unbiased and had proposed Soviet Consulates in Varna and Burgas be immediately reopened so the Soviet Consuls could ascertain the facts. To this Bulgarian Government had replied there was insufficient consular work to justify reopening of the Consulate. Soviet answer that a continuation of German activities in Varna and Burgas would oblige Soviets to take appropriate measures, implying such measures would be of a drastic nature, appears to have resulted in resignation of Bulgarian Cabinet.
