740.00119 EAC/118: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)

3147. Embassy reported in its Cornea 41 (no. 2023, March 13) Soviet unwillingness to discuss surrender terms for Bulgaria in the European Advisory Commission, and Department in its no. 2035, March 17 expressed its attitude on this and suggested a method of procedure. Please cable any developments in this matter, and particularly whether the Soviet representative is willing for the Commission to enter upon a discussion of surrender terms for Bulgaria. If the Soviet representative is not authorized to discuss Bulgarian terms in the Commission, the Department will have to take this matter up directly with Moscow.

For your information Harriman reported on March 1958 that when he discussed this matter with Molotov, the latter replied that the Soviet Government considered it was too early to discuss Bulgarian surrender terms as the Allied forces were not approaching Bulgaria. Harriman insisted that it would be useful to exchange views on the subject and be ready for any contingency to which Molotov agreed but said that at present there were more active questions. Molotov gave no indication that the Soviet Government was reluctant to participate in discussions with us and the British on Bulgarian surrender terms in the European Advisory Commission except on the question of timing.

  1. Telegram 924, March 19, 11 p.m. from Moscow, p. 316.