
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Kohler)

Participants: Mr. Cimon P. Diamantopoulos, Greek Ambassador
Mr. Alling58
Mr. Kohler

The Greek Ambassador called at his request to discuss current matters. He read a telegram from his Government expressing its vigorous opposition to the formation of a Government in Albania by Hoxha (the Ambassador said this name was really Hodja, i.e. “teacher”, and referred to him as a Moslem Turk). The telegram continued with allegations that the Hoxha forces in Albania were terrorizing and oppressing the Greek minority in southern Albania.

The Ambassador did not seem certain as to the intention of his Government, particularly as to whether it was instructing him to ask us to prevent the formation of a Hoxha Government or not to recognize [Page 291] any such Government which might be formed. He is seeking clarification on this point.

In reply to his request for our views as to the second part of the message, it was suggested that if the Greek Government sought practical results it might well ask the British military authorities who were responsible for the Albanian theater to investigate these charges of terrorization and oppression.

Foy D. Kohler
  1. Paul H. Ailing, Deputy Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs.