Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Chief of the Division of British Commonwealth Affairs (Achilles)
Mr. Jordaan4 called at his request. He stated that his Government accepted the proposal made in our aide-mémoire of May 8, 1944 that all Lend-Lease and Reverse Lend-Lease transactions between this Government and the South African Government be transferred to a cash basis as of February 15, 1944. The Legation had requested certain clarifications of its instructions and would give us an aide-mémoire as soon as these were received. He said that he was instructed to raise three minor questions:
- 1.
- What was to be done about combat material furnished through the British to South African troops under British operational command? He understood that the British Supply Mission was already discussing this with FEA.5
- 2.
- What would be done about articles for which requisitions had been accepted prior to February 15, 1944, but delivered after that date? His Government assumed that these would be filled on Lend-Lease terms.6
- 3.
- Did the statement in our aide-mémoire that Lend-Lease machinery would still be available to facilitate procurement by the South African Government mean that it could continue filing requisitions [Page 260] on a cash reimbursable basis? His Government assumed that it did.7
- 4.
- His Government wished to alter the preamble of the proposed South African note to express appreciation for the Lend-Lease assistance already rendered by this Government and appreciation of our willingness to continue facilitating procurement through cash reimbursement Lend-Lease.8
I expressed gratification at the South African Government’s decision and the belief that it would redound greatly to the long-range advantage of that Government in its relations with ours, as had been the case with Canada. I said that we would endeavor to let them know the answers to the questions raised as quickly as possible.
- J. R. Jordaan, Secretary, South African Legation.↩
- Foreign Economic Administration. Notation in margin beside this paragraph reads: “Chargé to British L[end] L[ease]”.↩
- Notation in margin beside this paragraph reads: “Feb 15 ought to be the cut off date for all purposes”.↩
- Notation in margin beside this paragraph reads: “Yes”.↩
- Notation in margin beside this paragraph reads: “OK”.↩