841D.01/286: Telegram

The Minister in Ireland (Gray) to the Secretary of State

58. De Valera continues to take the line that our request was an affront to Irish sovereignty and an effort to intimidate the Irish people. He also asserts that acceding to our request would inevitably place Eire in the war. This is universally believed by the people. It is not clear to what extent they accept the view that our request was unjustifiable.

Reference my No. 57 March 18.34

Our impression is that both government and people believed that they were getting by with a free ride and were shocked to be asked for a ticket. Moreover everybody is anxious about the supply position. For the first time they are obliged to face the truth as to their much vaunted self-sufficiency. While they indulge in coat trailing for political effect as in inviting German[s] and Japs to a Gaelic ball at the castle last night at which De Valera and most of the cabinet members were present they seem not to want to break friendly personal relations with us. On Thursday35 the Lord Mayor and wife, Papal Nuncio, the Maffeys and Walshe of External Affairs came to lunch. It is noteworthy that the Mayor came. Walshe told me that they wanted more assurances, that statements from Maffey and me would be very helpful. Maffey would like to give further assurances. I am not as convinced of the importance of it as I was a few days ago. We are too near for a perspective view. Irish are disturbed deeply by such American press comment as has been released here as they never believed they would lose American sympathy. They are playing up such published opinion from Irish American nationalist sources as available in the effort to show that the American people are not behind their government.

Our Vice Consul Calder at Foynes reports general calmness and a degree of understanding of our position in his area. He says Irish officials have continued to be friendly.

Minister for Justice has acquiesced in my request not to be assigned an escort car, reference my 56; I told him I assumed full responsibility.

  1. Not printed.
  2. March 16.