841D.01/256: Telegram

The Ambassador in Canada (Atherton) to the Secretary of State

14. Replying to an inquiry of the leader of the opposition Prime Minister King made a statement in the House of Commons today on our efforts to obtain expulsion of German and Japanese diplomatic and consular representatives from Ireland, he said: “The Canadian Government has not in any way endeavored to mediate between the Irish Government and the United States Government” and “such representations as were received were in the nature of informal confidential conversations” saying that the matter has been presented orally by De Valera to Canadian High Commissioner in Ireland and by Irish Commissioner in Ottawa to him personally. Mr. King said “In my reply it was made clear that as the Canadian Government was in full sympathy with the object of the approach made by the United States Government it would not wish to intervene in the matter; I believe that the informal discussions which took place through Mr. Kearney in Dublin and with Mr. Hearn26 here were of some help at the time in steadying a difficult situation”. Full text follows.27

  1. John J. Hearn, Irish High Commissioner in Canada.
  2. Despatch No. 820, March 14, 1944, and enclosed text not printed.