860C.01/12–944: Telegram

The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Harriman) to the Secretary of State

4715. An American correspondent who had an interview today with Bierut, President of the Polish National Council, was told by the latter that the Polish National Council [would] meet in Lublin on December 1623 in order to consider the question of declaring the National Committee of Liberation to be the provisional government of Poland.

Bierut said that the Lublin Poles considered that there was no longer any chance of an agreement with the London government. Mikolajczyk could come back personally, if he so wished, as a leader of the Peasant Party; but he would of course have to be prepared to recognize and abide by the provisions of the 1921 constitution.24

Sent to Department as No. 4715, repeated to London for Schoenfeld as No. 295.

  1. This meeting was postponed to December 30, 1944.
  2. The democratic constitution of March 17, 1921.