740.0011 European War 1939/8–2144: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé to the Polish Government in Exile (Schoenfeld), at London
Poles 20. Reurtel 78, August 21. In reply to Romer’s inquiries, you are authorized to inform him in strict confidence that the United States Government has urged the Soviet Government to cooperate in getting aid to the Polish forces in Warsaw, and that, although our intervention has not as yet had the desired results, we have not given up hope. In this connection, you might informally indicate to Romer that, while we deeply sympathize with the feeling of all Poles in regard to the plight of the heroic Warsaw garrison, and while we can not give them assurances that the Soviet Government will be willing to cooperate in this matter, we feel that these unfortunate developments should not deter the Polish Government from presenting any reasonable proposals to the National Committee for a settlement of the Polish question. We feel, for obvious reasons, that a refusal to present reasonable proposals to the Committee and any government crisis in London could only greatly worsen the situation.