Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Durbrow)
The attached despatch56 from Mr. Schoenfeld encloses an official request57 made by the Polish Government-in-exile that the United States Government exert its influence with the Soviet Government to prevent possible Soviet repressions and afford protection to persons working with the Polish Underground.
The note from the Polish Foreign Minister emphasizes again that strict instructions have been given to the leaders of the Polish Underground which require them to disclose their identity and meet the requirements of the Soviet commander when the Red Army enters any particular district of Poland. This provision holds whether or not relations between the two countries have been restored and contains provisions for the Polish Underground Army to coordinate its actions with those of the Red Army.
Although it is of course impossible for us to ascertain whether the Polish Underground is carrying out these instructions, it is believed [Page 1358] that in the interests of our common war effort we should in a friendly and firm manner bring this request to the attention of the Soviet Government. In so doing we would undoubtedly invite a rejoinder from the Soviet Government along the lines of claims already made by them that the Underground of the Polish Government-in-exile does not exist in fact but is composed of only a few agents who are endeavoring to stir up trouble with pro-Soviet elements in the country.
Despite this possible rejoinder, it is felt that we should at least express our interest in connection with this effort to bring the full weight of all forces to bear against the Axis armies.