Mr. Robert D. Murphy, Political Adviser, Allied Force Headquarters, to the Secretary of State
No. 669
August 10,
[Received August 19.]
[Received August 19.]
Sir: I have the honor to enclose for the Department’s information a letter addressed to the Chief of Staff, AFHQ, by the Assistant Chief of Staff, G–5,75 proposing a new and more convenient procedure for obtaining permission from the appropriate military authorities for the opening of United Nations consulates in liberated Italy.
The British Resident Minister and I have concurred in the recommendation and the Department will be informed if the new procedure is adopted.
Respectfully yours,
Robert D. Murphy
- Army general staff section dealing with Civil Affairs.↩
- Not attached to file copy. For pertinent portion of telegram Tam 125, January 8, 1944, see memorandum of May 6, p. 1170.↩
- Not attached to file copy, but see footnote 37, p. 1171.↩
- General Officer, Commander in Chief, Allied Central Mediterranean Force. The ACMF was created by Lt. Gen. Sir Noel Mason-MacFarlane in his reorganization of the Allied Control Commission in February 1944. For further details, see C. R. S. Harris, Allied Military Administration of Italy, 1943–1945, pp. 117–120.↩
- Samuel Reber of the Department of State, and Harold Caccia of the British Foreign Office.↩
- Gen. Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean: Theater.↩
- Army Intelligence Section.↩
- Civil Affairs Office.↩
- Inter-Service and Political Secretariat.↩